Faith Formation At Home
Our last regular session of Faith Formation covered Chapter 16 of Blest Are We. When the state began physical distancing measures, we shifted the whole program to take place in your home. At that time, there were four sessions remaining. You can download the family guides for all four sessions from links below, by grade. Please do what works for your family, without any pressure to engage further or do more than you truly feel capable of at the moment. This time brings challenges to us all in many forms, often unpredictable and evolving quickly. Your family's health and well-being is, of course, your top priority right now. If you need to alter, delay, or conclude your year of Faith Formation, please do what is best for your needs.
List of Remaining Sessions:
- Chapter 17
- Easter
- Chapter 18
- Closing Prayer Service
Please note that attendance quizzes remain available for Chapter 17 and 18 from There are no attendance quizzes for the Easter lesson or the Closing Prayer Service. Anne Thomas is only tracking attendance at this point in the year for your own reference (ex. in case you ask where you left off).
All Grades:
Closing Prayer Service
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7